Sunday, March 20, 2011

EDW Ind: Week 03

I have been unable to review Final Cut Pro as of yet but it would appear that it may be unnecessary. Soundtrack Pro on the other hand is still necessary and has been reviewed. I attempted to find MatchMover but learned that the Gnomon disks do not cover that topic. I will be asking Shaun Foster for assistance in learning and understanding the program. I have watched a tutorial from 2010's Autodesk MatchMover but it was not very helpful. Furthermore, I plan on asking if it is possible to have a tutorial in EDW about MatchMover.
I was able to watch Aaron Powell's tutorial on Green Screening techniques and have begun filming. I will likely need to try to capture more film this week to ensure I have all that I need. Resources are gathered and displayed in previous posts.
This week will entail a continuation of filming if needed, creation of the 3D environment, completion of the 3D models, starting their rigging, and starting the particles for each creature. If time, try to match footage perspective and study lighting/shadows in Maya.


  1. Sounds like a lot of tricky things going on. Honestly don't exactly know, but I hope much of those problems will be solved. I can also lend you a hand.

  2. Yay! Thank you Yuya! I'd super appreciate it. I'll be working on it in the labs. I'll try to ask you then. Lord knows many issues are liable to happen on my journey.
